Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy 2nd day of Fall!

Yesterday was the First Day of Fall....and it was 85 degrees outside!!! It certainly did not feel like fall. McKenzie went to school yesterday crying that her tummy hurt and she couldn't go to school. I took her to school, dropped her off in her class room, still crying, and left to take daycare kids out. I stood outside her room for a couple minutes (where she couldn't see me) and waited. I checked on her after a couple minutes and she was not crying anymore. When I picked her up after school, she had a HUGE grin on her face. She said she had a great day!

The daycare and I went to Bellwood Acres to pick apples. They are not a u-pick farm. They had yummy apples, but they were a little pricey for me and the daycare. We will go back to Sm'apples and pick them for 30 cent a pound instead.

Brandon, Logan, and Xander with the big pumpkins!

Since we were there and I had unloaded all the boys, we decided to stay and go on the self-guided tour. We walked through the garden and saw some BIG pumpkins, then we saw the packing house were they sent the apples down the conveyor belt and sorted them out, for the stores, the farm, and school, and then the 2nds (the ones with a spot or something that they sell at a discount). Then we came back around and she let me take them out to the fields. In the golf cart!! That was fun! I had never driven a golf cart before. Much less one loaded with kids! But we had fun. We saw cows, lots of apples, pumpkins, tractors, and horses. We drove up and down the rows. I think I will take my girls back out there and drive them around!!! :)

All my boys on the golf cart!

The other news yesterday was that Treasury of Memories (my very favorite scrapbook store) had the first day of their closing the store sale. Happy for the sale, sad they are closing. I loved taking classes there. I loved walking around and looking at samples, getting inspiration, asking questions, and losing track of time. I am very sad that they are leaving.
Xander and I went in after we dropped Logan off at preschool. We didn't get anything yesterday. There was a couple of things that I wanted, but I didn't see them (except for canvas and they had lots of that left). The line wrapped around the store. ALL the way around the store. I had a friend that was near the front and she said the line was about ONE HOUR long!!! I have a gift card, so I may go back later today or tomorrow. WITHOUT ANY KIDS!!! They will not have a fun time and I do not want to be rushed!

Happy second day of FALL!

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