Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We are feeling better!

We are feeling better! McKenzie stayed home from school yesterday and just hung out on the couch. She was able to eat breakfast and lunch. After lunch she took a nap for about an hour. After we picked kids up from schools, we came home had an early dinner (Alexandra had soccer and Alyssa had color guard) and McKenzie ate almost all of it. She drank lots of water yesterday also. After soccer, we came home and Alexandra had another dinner and McKenzie got clean and shine-y in a shower. She felt so much better in clean jammies and fresh sheets! I called Alyssa (still at color guard) and asked her to please find a ride home because I was going to bed (at 8:30!!) I am fighting sinus stuff :( and my head hurt so bad last night, that I put the girls to bed and called it a night. I woke up this morning feeling lots and lots better!

So.....knock on formica (I can't find wood!) I think we are all going to be healthy!
And in other news..... This cute girl......
was invited to be a part of the National Honor Society. She received a letter inviting her to a meeting to learn more about it and enjoy some ice cream. She went for the ice cream. She is not sure if she wants to join because she has to write an essay...but I thought it was cool that she was invited. I told her I thought it would be a good idea for her to at least try for it. We will see what happens.
I was looking through summer pictures. These are from the Lynden Fair this year. The girls got to hold a real alligator! They were pretty excited! Jay...not so excited! I think he left his glasses on so you could not see the fear in his eyes! :)

Alexandra got to hold it all by herself!

Enjoy your Tuesday!!

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