Wednesday, September 16, 2009

this is your brain...

This is a brain. This is not my brain. It is a REAL HUMAN brain! EEEWWWWW! At the Puyallup Fair, they had an exhibit called Al's Brain. We got to see a 3D movie, learn some interesting facts, and touch a real human brain. It was pretty neat.

On the far left is a vertabre. The long skinny rope in the middle is your spinal cord. On the right is your cerebral cortex (the under part of your brain).

This picture has all three of my girls touching (with plastic gloves!) the BRAIN!

We are getting ready to watch the 3D movie. I don't think Alexandra or McKenzie has ever seen a 3D movie before. It was a lot of fun. They kept saying ,"It came right at ME!"
Alexandra says, "It was WIERD!!"
McKenzie said, "It was totally WIERD!"

We rode more rides. I don't ride the rides usually. I just take the pictures. I am happy doing that. I like to take pictures. I don't like to ride rides. But, with them giving us each 7 free rides, I did ride some rides. Now I remember why I like to take pictures.
I went on the Wind runner with McKenzie and Alexandra. McKenzie went on this ride on the Lynden Fair, Alexandra is a pro at this ride, she doesn't even hang on! McKenzie and I have a death grip on the bar. (I think my grip was tighter!) Alyssa took my place on the ground with my camera. Next time, I am taking my spot back :)
I'll be back later with more of the Fair.

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