Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Alyssa!

Happy Birthday to my little Bug!!! Alyssa turns 17 today! She is getting so grown up. I remember like it was yesterday....bringing her home from the hospital...potty training...first day of kindergarten...new sisters...first day of middle school....then high school....and now she is a junior in high shcool and a gorgeous young lady! I am so proud of her! She is responsible and caring. She is very smart! She's beautiful inside and out. She can set a goal and work very hard to achieve it....and she will make it! She is a great big sister. I am very, very proud of her!

On Sunday, 9-6, we went to Beachwood for a birthday party....we swam, soaked in the hot tub....

And made tie-dye!!! Lots of fun! The shirts turned out so cute! We were also going to make duct tape bags, but we ran out of time. We are going to get together another day to finish those up.

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