Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall we go again!

I love this picture of Alexandra...when she saw it she said, "I LOVE that picture of me, although is does look like I am not wearing a shirt!" She's looks like she is not wearing a shirt! She was though....I have about 200 other pictures to prove it :)

This was such an awesome play! Alexandra is in red on the right. The goalie did a drop kick and the ball went super high in the air...the girls were all watching it ready for it to drop. Alexandra moved up and HEADED the ball!! You should have heard all the OOOHHHH's and AAAAHHHH's. It was pretty cool. At the beginning of the game Lynden scored 4 goals...not half time, they had a pep talk....and they ended up coming back and tying the game 4-4! Way to GOAL girls! I think Alexandra got two goals and Logan got the other two...

Go Alexandra! Beat that stinky Lynden team! :)

I love this picture of McKenzie. She was sitting in my shade, trying to stay cool while she waited for her turn back in the game.

And of course....what is a soccer game without.....AIRPLANES!!! These planes and a couple other ones were flying over the field most of McKenzie's game. I absolutely LOVE how this picture turned out! The beautiful blue sky and the cool planes.....WOW!! I should be a professional :)

Run McKenzie! Score a goal! She didn't actually get a goal today, but she tried!

Today was the first day of Fall soccer....but with temps in the mid 80's it sure felt like summer! The girls were so hot! Alexandra played first with a 9:15 game and then McKenzie had a Jamboree at 2:00. She played three 20min games. Then they match up the teams for the final schedule so they can hopefully play an evenly matched team. It was a hot day, but fun!
While we were at the soccer field for most of the day....Alyssa went fishing! (see previous post for her day. (She even helped write it!))
Off to bed now.....another busy day tomorrow!

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