Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ferndale Red Lions Soccer

Saturday was soccer day. Alexandra had a double header (@ 11:45 & 1:00) and McKenzie played at 11:20. For having to be at the field for three games, it worked out pretty well!
It was also picture day. McKenzie's team opted for the picutres, instead of doing it ourselves. I opted for the do it yourself anyway! :) I snapped a couple of individual shots of McKenzie in her black jersey :) and then stood behind the photographer and snapped the team picture. Save my self some $$$$. The sun was pretty hot and sunny, so I have a bit of glare, but I have all season to fix that!
Alexandra's team opted for the do it ourselves :) We were missing a player and a coach, so we will do it at a different game.

We woke up in the morning to puring down rain!!! Yuck! Not good for soccer. (it gets my camera wet :) ) So I had the girls get dressed warm, in layers, with extra clothes to change into right after. Then they came to work with me until it was time for soccer. By the time 9:00 rolled around, the sun was peeking out. AS we get to the soccer field around 11:00, the sun is out, but there are clouds. Ssoooo, we bring our raincoats and umbrellas. And I end up lugging them all around, along with some of their extra layers because it ended up getting pretty warm. But, I prefer that, than the other way! :)

McKenzie had the first game. They played another Ferndale team, and because we were home team, we changed our jersey's around. That means we were the Black, Red Lions :)

We played a good game. This is the first year for goalies, and defenders, and forwards. We have practiced defenders and forwards in the past, but this is the first official season where we put it all together. Most of our team has stayed together since kindergarten and we have some pretty good players. They work pretty well together, passing and scoring goals. McKenzie scored 3 goals this game! :) Good Job Big Mac! (Big Mac is her nickname on the field. A couple of dad's gave it to her :) ) The final score was 11 - 0. Not so good for the other team, but our girls were happy! They were pretty good sports about it, we did remind them that it could be the other way around!
Go McKenzie!
Alexandra had a double header! Two games, back to back! They were so worried they were going to be tired! Their first game was against Southside. They were good! It was a very intense, evenly matched game! LOTS of action! I came over right after half time (from McKenzie's game) and the score was tied 0-0. As soon as I walked over there, Alexandra took the ball away from the other team, and scored a GOAL!!! Yeah AJ!! The final score of that game was 1-0! It was a great game!

The snacks after the first game were orange slices and granola bars to give them a little energy for the second game. Not too much food, so they wouldn't get tummy aches, but enough for energy. It worked!

Alexandra enjoying her orange slice!

The second game we played Northside. We were not so evenly matched. The score was very lopsided! These are the Team Captains for this week. Each week at Friday practice, the coaches pick one girl and the girls pick a girl to be their Captain for Saturday's game. Alexandra and Jayden were picked this week. Alexandra said she was so excited! The girls picked Jayden, but the COACHES! picked her!! She was so excited!!

Alexandra scored a couple (2 or 3) goals this game. She had some great assists also. Almost all the girls on her team scored a goal at this game. :) Only two girls did not get a goal. On the other team, not one girl got a goal :( The final score was 12 - 0! It sorta makes me sad for the other team when the score is so lopsided. After one team gets ahead by a certain number of goals (I think about 5) they let the other team add players to help them out. Sometimes they will ask the ahead team to play down a player. We played a good game. The girls had fun both games.

Next week....Alexandra plays at 9:15 AM! and McKenzie plays at 12:30

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