Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ferndale Football...Actually...Ferndale Guard

We went to the first Friday night Ferndale Football Game last night. We played Bellingham. We won! I think the final score was 28 to 13. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the game. I came to see the Ferndale Band and Guard play at halftime. More specifically...I came to watch this gorgeous girl twirl flags and throw rifles in the air!
Some times when it gets a little windy you can't see her very well. :) But she knows the routine pretty well and didn't mess up when she couldn't see where she is going!

Here is the beginning of the routine. All lined up in a sorta straight row! They did a great job and I am excited to see them get better each week....
I didn't even get one picture of the football team last night. It was crowded...there weren't any seats in the stands so we ended up standing the whole game. It was fun though...Alexandra and McKenzie enjoyed watching the cheerleaders and running around with friends. I chatted with Rebecca and people watched. Lesley, Dexter and Derek came also. (Thanks Lesley for pre buying the tickets so we could get in without waiting in that VEERRRYYY LOOOOONG Line!)
First day of school report to follow next time!

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