Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you remember Snow White?

Last year, Skyline 3rd and 4th graders put on the play Snow White. Alexandra was one of the Snow White's (they had 2). She was a little nervous when she had to go on stage in front of all of those people, but she did it! She spoke loud enough for everybody to hear and she had a great time.

She had so much fun in fact that when sign ups for this years play came, she got that paper turned in the first day! Last year, she went back and forth, back and forth. I want to do drama, no, not really, ok maybe I will try, but not this year, ok I will....... On and on she went until the day of the final turn in when she said "Yes, I will do it but I don't want a speaking part" I told her that would be fine, there would be plenty of parts for everybody and she wouldn't need to speak. Imagine my surprise that next week when they handed out parts and Alexandra said she asked to be Snow White!!! I told her that Snow White had speaking parts....probably LOTS of speaking parts! She said that was fine, she didn't care.

And she got Snow White............and did FABULOUS!!!

Well....this year....they are doing Pinocchio. Guess who wanted the part of Pinocchio? Guess who got the part they wanted? YEP! Alexandra. She will be one of 4 Pinocchio's performing at Skyline Elementary on Thursday November mark your calendars!

Have a great Wednesday!

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