Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's Thursday!

I think I missed a day....

Here are a couple of pictures from June. It is getting colder outside and I needed some warm weather pictures!

This is Alyssa at Band/Color Guard Award night. She lettered twice that night.

McKenzie and Alexandra and I went over to the pool to play around for a bit while Alyssa was hanging out with friends and totally ignoring us! :)

The moon was beautiful that night!

Good news about fall time....we get an extra hour of sleep on Saturday! We will totally need it after our long day! We have three soccer games on Saturday! Yes. That is right! THREE!! McKenzie has a double header and Alexandra has one. They are spread out over ALLLL DAY! We have a 11:20, 1:40 and then 3:30. Not enough time between games to go anywhere and do anything, too much time to just sit there! I will bring snacks, hot cocoa, and books, puzzles or games to do . Warm dry extra clothes because I heard rain in the forcast. Maybe if I am prepared for lots of rain, we will not get any!
Have a happy Thursday! Game night at work tonight! See you there!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Not a lot to report this not rainy Tuesday!

*Alyssa is selling Butterbraids again for Band/Guard. They also have cookie dough this time.

*Tonight is AWANA. The theme is crazy hat night.

*Alexandra has drama practice after school. Next Thursday is Pinocchio, at Skyline, at 6:30. Mark your calendar!

*Tonight Alyssa is doing a quick Flag Performance and Civic Field at 7:00. Bellingham is putting it on. There will be a few bands having a friendly competition. I am excited it is so close, bummed that I will be at AWANA.

*I have to take fall pictures soon, before all the leaves are blown away or rotted because of rain!


Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Still.....raining and pouring....pouring and raining.....How long can it rain?

I probably shouldn't ask, God might decide to show me just how long he can let it rain. At least I know he won't flood the WHOLE earth. The weather man said that tomorrow we will have possible sunny breaks. We shall see.

Yesterday Alyssa went over to Richard's house for football and pumpkin carving. Football carving was...FUN!!! Alyssa did three pumpkins. We are going to try to carve a couple this week. I am not sure what day we will fit it in, but we will try. I love pumpkin carving pictures! Actually, I think I like most pictures of most anything!

I like this one. I feel like this most mornings. :) Have a great Monday and try to stay dry!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Only 2 months to Christmas!

Idea from Stampin Up catalog. Changed up a bit to use what I had.
Idea from Kellie & Lesley

Alyssa did the coloring, I added the sparkle, snowflakes down the edge, and finished it.

Yipee! Are you ready? I have made a few Christmas cards and have started on some Christmas gifts, but I am having fun with my Thanksgiving things right now. I have made turkeys, cards, and the Thanksgiving thankful journal. I have a couple of orders for some Thanksgiving cards and a birthday card. Soon, I will be more in the Christmas making mood. Maybe by Dec 24! :)

Our Thanksgiving journal

Today was Marcus' first birthday! I can't believe he is already one! I also went to Teresa's baby shower. She got so many cute little boy clothes! It was fun to shop for little boy things. Having three beautiful girls, I don't have a lot of opportunity to shop for blue. I have bought some before, but this was fun!
Tomorrow is another fun day. I think we are going to make a Disneyland countdown chain :) I am not sure who is more or the girls.....probably me! :)
Have a great Sunday! (I guess I should say Have a great Monday! It is already almost Monday!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yes! It is official! I am broke and we are going! We purchased the tickets, booked the flight and hotel and we are outta here! We leave on Dec 3 in the afternoon from Bellingham! and get back on the 7th in the afternoon , in Bellingham! I am soo excited that we are flying from Bellingham. It will be so much closer. No traffic, shorter lines, not so big and busy. We have a short stop at Seattle, and then on to Disney land!!! I told the girls and they are super excited too. Even Alexandra. She has decided that she will go with us. She wasn't going when I first told them that we had enough money saved and that we are going. She was not leaving Blueberry and Scooby behind. And besides, what about the cats? Who would feed them and take care of them? I told her that Blueberry and Scooby could go with us and I would hire or bribe somebody to take care of our cats. She thought about it for awhile and said that she would go with us. Silly girl! But I totally understand. I am a homebody and am not a big fan of traveling, but I am sooooo excited to take my girls to Disneyland. I will be even more excited to come home though I think.
Now I just have to save money for food, cuz my girls can EAT!!! I think that could be my biggest expense! I will be stocking up on snacks, granola bars, trail mix and other goodies to get us through.

In other exciting news........(or maybe not so exciting..)
*Two soccer games this morning. One at 8 am (Alexandra) and one at 12:30 (McKenzie)
*Mia's 4th birthday party was today (AJ and Kenz went)
*Alyssa had to be ON FIELD at the high school this morning BY 5AM!!! We left the house at 4:40 AM!!! I am sooooo tired! So is she!
*I worked between all of those things.
*WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! (I know I already said that! I am excited!)

I am also tired! I will be going to bed now and updating more tomorrow. Good night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's raining, it's pouring....

I want to be in bed. My very warm, comfortable bed. With the pillow so soft and warm. The blankets just the way I like them. Not up, dressed and a houseful of kids and rain outside. I don't mind the rain outside, if I get to stay inside where it is warm and dry. With a good book, and a hot cup of tea. Mmmmmm.....that is souding better and better. However, I don't think these guys will sit quietly while I curl up on the couch and read.

Oh well. Maybe another day.

Doesn't she look warm and cozy? Reading a good book, snuggling with her Blueberry and blankie? I am a little bit jealous!

How cute are these turkeys? Alyssa and I made them the other night for club on Thursday. (I saw the idea online) If you are not busy on Thursday at 7:00, come join us at the Ferndale Senior Center!

Alexandra has drama club tonight after school. They are getting closer to their performance. Thursday November 5 at 6:30 at Skyline. Come and see!

While Alexandra is at Drama....McKenzie will be helping Jay with the paper the rain. I will be in my warm, dry house busily creating fun cards and stuff for tomorrow night.
Have a great Wednesday! Stay dry!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What do you get when you give your 7 yr old your camera?


McKenzie took a couple of really beautiful cloud/sunset pictures.

And feet pictures. Lots of feet pictures. Standing still feet, walking feet, my feet, her feet, her feet and my feet.....lots and lots of feet!

Leaf pictures

And of course, being so close to the Bellingham Airport, lots and lots of airplane pictures! She loved the jets with the trail behind them.

Last night at Alexandra's soccer practice, McKenzie took my camera, with the almost dead batteries, and took about 30 pictures. These are just a small sampling. As is got darker out and the batteries got deader (is that a word?) it was harder to focus and get good pictures. By the time soccer was over, the batteries were dead and the fog was thick and it was dark. But she had fun!

How cute is this?

This means it is time for Marcus to get his hair cut. His bangs are in his eyes and his hair is getting shaggy. He is totally cute though!

In other random picture news...

Alexandra turned 10! I made 10 cupcakes in the shape of the number 10!

Alexandra during her game. It was sprinkling at the beginning of the game, but by the end......pouring!!!

Can you see the oragne hat? It is not trick photography....his hat really glowed, it was sooooo bright! It was a neon orange cowboy hat. WHY??? Maybe so he could say, "I am in the orange hat over on field #2." He would be very easy to spot!

McKenzie played a good POURED during her whole game. I just brought my little camera this game because of all of the rain, so I didn't get many pictures, and even less good pictures, but I think the other thousand pictures I have taken should be ok. :)

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, Monday

It's the start of another week. I think I would like my Monday's and Friday's more if I had a real weekend to enjoy, but that will come in time. I am working on it.
This weekend was another busy weekend. On Friday morning Alyssa left for Yakima for colorguard/ band competition. They didn't do great. The color guard got third or fourth place but the band didn't do good at all. It was very wet and rainy and cold. Yuck! I didn't feel to sorry for her having to practice in the rain because I was watching Alexandra and McKenzie play soccer on Saturday in the rain. So we were a very wet family....just spread out over the state!
On Friday McKenzie and I had dentist appts. Her's was first. She just got a sealant and filled a small filling. I got a wisdom tooth and the tooth in front of it pulled. OW!! It took them over an hour to get the teeth out and the stitches in. My jaw was pretty sore from being pulled this way and that. And my nose hurt from them pushing on the glasses. Today is the third day and it feels pretty good. I took ibprofen only once yesterday when I woke up, but I haven't had any since. I was able to also brush most of my teeth yesterday. That felt good! I had to stay away from the stitches but I could do everything else.

On Friday, after Alexandra's soccer practice, we got a pizza for the girls to eat and went home and watched a movie. Alexandra picked it out....we watched Annie.

ON Saturday was soccer in the rain, work in the rain AND THUNDER AND LIGHTENING!!! It was CRAZY!!! We looked out and it was raining...then it was thunder and lightening...and coming down in buckets!!! It went on for about 10-15 min, before it slowed down to just pouring down rain. By the time we left work, the sun was starting to come out...and then it was time for the sunset! Wonderful, wacky, Washington Weather!

Sunday was a lot calmer. We went to church and I had put a stew in the crockpot before we left. After church we grabbed a couple of groceries (and yes, I did pay for them!) and came home to a yummy smelling house. After lunch (leftovers, the stew was for dinner) Alyssa cleaned her room and I helped Alexandra and McKenzie clean their clothes. We just have to go through the hanging up clothes this afternoon. After the clothes were done, we enjoyed stew (it was sooo yummy!!) and McKenzie had a turn to pick a movie to watch. We watched Veggietales and the Wizard of Ha's. Then we went to bed!

I haven't had time to upload my weekend pictures, I will hopefully get to that this afternoon. Tomorrow will be pictures, pictures, pictures!

Have a great Monday!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Thursday list...almost done!

Yeah! I got my list almost done!
*All the kids were fed and dressed.
*All the kids went to school and took their Reading Counts tests.
*The rest of the kids went to the library for storytime and checked out new books.
*The bills got paid (except for one....but I need a paycheck first...i hope that will be today!)
*The dishes got washed
*Naptime got done (still not by me)
*Soccer practice, homework, and a walk with Lesley got done.
*Dinner got eaten and cleaned up after
*I even got a couple of extra things done.
I did not get my thank you card made, or the girls clothes presorted, but tomorrow is another day!
On Friday, Alyssa is leaving for Yakima in the morning and McKenzie and I have a dentist appt. Then she goes to school and I go to work.

In other news...
Alexandra showed me her name poem that she wrote for school:
A lways is eating
L oves to play soccer
E very day she does something different
eX tra fun ideas
A nd doesn't like her chores
N eapolitan ice cream is her favorite
D oes not like waiting for something too much
R eally likes to read
A wesome!!!!!

I thought that it was pretty good! It does describe her. Especially the A's :)

It is time to get ready for Friday!

Have a great day!! (Stay dry!)

Thursday to do list

These pictures are from the Puyallup Fair.

Happy Thursday! We are almost to the weekend.

Today is busy...This is my to do list:

1. Get kids dressed and fed breakfast.

2. Make sure everybody (all 7!) is ready to leave for school on time.

3. Drop Alexandra, McKenzie and Xander off at the right classrooms. :)

4. Before we drop kids off at school, go to the Skyline Library and take 3 Reading Counts tests.

5. Go to the Ferndale Library for storytime. Return old books, check out new books.

6. Come home and fix lunch. Get ready to take Logan to school.

7. Take Logan to school!

8. NAPTIME!!!!! (unfortunately, it is for Celisse, not me!)

9. While Celisse is napping, I get to pay bills, wash dishes, work on my Thank You card, start the presort through the girls clothes.....

10. Pick up kids from Skyline.

11. Go home and finish up some homework. Have a predinner.

12. Go to McKenzie's soccer practice and walk the track with Lesley from 6-6:45

13. GO home and have dinner part 2!

14. Showers, stories, and get ready for bed.

That about sums up my day! I am looking forward to tomorrow when I just have to go to work!

Have a happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to...

Alexandra on her 9th birthday! She LOVED the cookbook and baking supplies that Grandama got for her. She uses them all the time!

Alexandra is 10 years old today. The last year (actually 10!) have flown by! Alexandra is growning into a fun, energetic, beautiful (inside & out!), intelligent, friendly, helpful, .......young lady. I am so proud of her.
Some things about Alexandra......
*She loves sports! She is very active. She just learned to ride a unicycle this summer. It took her two days! She can also rollerblade, rollerskate, skateboard, pogo stick, wave board, use stilts, ride a bike, ice skate, plays soccer, does ballet, runs really fast :)
*She is persistant. She will work at a problem until she figures it out.
*She likes challenging puzzles, like brain teasers. She is good at them. I gave her a book, MInd Benders, and she is working her way through it. I get to help her sometimes...she lets me read the problems and pretend that I am helping :)
*She is thoughtful and helpful. She thinks of other people and how to help them. At Sunday School they were making bags for the kids at the Agape House. The kids were supposed to bring things in for the bags. (toothpaste/brush, socks, toys, etc.) She decided to have a lemonade stand and raise money to buy the stuff for the bags. She raised $25 to donate.
*She has a job. She has delivered the Ferndale Record Journal on Wednesdays for the last 2 years! She earns about $70 a month. This summer she chose to sponser a child. She chose Mark from Ghana. She uses $30 of her money each month to send to him. She also gets a pen pal!
*She is a stinker! She loves to tease :)
*She is my favorite Alexandra Joy McBeath in the whole world!!! And I love her lots!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

by Alexandra

i'm excited for Aiming High. We're probably going to take a pencil and paper and draw another place like we already drew the library. I want to go to Cascadia. I am also totally excited because tomorrow ITS My B/DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ta da! all done ! byebye! (:

Monday, October 12, 2009

busy weekend....part 3

On Friday night we went to the Ferndale/Everett Homecoming Football game. We won!!! The score was very close. I think it was 21 to 14. They were a good team to play...pretty evenly matched I think. Those games are more exciting to win than the ones that are like 41 to 7 or something like that. Keep you on the edge of the seat. The half time show was fabulous of course. Hard to take pictures in the dark but I got a couple of decent ones. I love the flags flying around.

On Saturday, McKenzie had a birthday party to go to. Her friend, Alyssa (in her class at school) was turning 8 and they had a Spa Lulu party. They had manicures, pedicures, facials, and lots of fancy stuff. She had a great time. After the birthday party....was of course....SOCCER!!

It was pretty cold out on the field, but the sun was shinning, so it makes it much, much warmer. Right? That's what I kept telling myself.... The girls both had good games. McKenzie played first. Her game was at 2:50 and Alexandra had a game at 3:30. McKenzie game was tied 1 to 1 and Alexandra's game was tied 2 to 2. Both really good games!
The nice part is that we only have 3 more games left this season and so far.....the weather has been pretty cooperative. We shall see about this weekend though....I have heard rain, and COLD!
Saturday night was the homecoming dance that Alyssa and Richard went to. Here is my Beautiful daughter.....

Here are the two of them.....

I was the photographer for this event. I got a couple of pretty cute poses (I put some of them on Facebook) They chose not to pay for pictures at this dance, so I told them I would take them, they could pick some out and I would print them for them.

I think that about sums up our weekend!

Have a great Monday!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

busy weekend...part 2

Photos by McKenzie.....

These are some of the photos that McKenzie took today....

Alexandra doing a backflip

Alyssa, Richard and Alexandra tasting sunflower seeds.

Alexandra in the tree

busy weekend...

My children in the cornfield....

This was a busy weekend! I am going to start with today and work my way backwards! This afternoon we went to McPhail's pumpkin patch to get some good pumpkin pictures. There hours were supposed to be from 1-5. They were closed! I was not very happy. The girls and I, and Alyssa and Richard, had to figure out a Plan B because the weather is not going to be very nice for very much longer, and I was not giving up my pumpkin pictures! Richard said his grandparents had a pumpkin patch just down the road, so off we went.....

McKenzie picking out the perfect pumpkin. There were a few different options and she had a pretty hard time picking one out. I think she did a great job! (Did you notice her manicure? That was from a birthday party she went to on Saturday.)

Alyssa picked two pumpkins out. This is her orange one. She also picked out a green one. Why??? Because she is Alyssa and she wanted to! :)

Alexandra picked out a pretty big one. Can you see her muscles? She was using most of them to tug this pumpkin off of the vine. She got it too!

While we were there, I decided to take some more pictures of the girls. It was a beautiful day out. Not too cold, not windy at all...

They had a very cool tree that we took some pictures of us by it. I like how they turned out.

I like this picture of the four of us. Richard took it, he even did a pretty good job!

McKenzie is my photographer in training! She took some pretty good pictures too!

Stay tuned for more pictures and the rest of our weekend!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Tonight is Friday Night Football! It is Ferndale's Homecoming game. I still don't remember who they are playing. The girls and I will be going after Alexandra is finished with soccer practice. Alyssa will be playing halftime with the band/guard.

In other random news...these are some pictures from this spring when Alyssa was playing softball. She played on the Ferndale Alliance Church Softball team (Richard's church).

I love this picture! I think Alyssa is trying to catch the ball before Dawn (Richard's mom) gets to base. I love the action in this picture with the ball just floating. :)

An action shot of Alyssa running. You can't see her face, but I like this picture anyway.

That's all for this morning! I am off to my very busy day! Have a Fabulous Friday!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I love Daycare...

Especially when they all look like this...



This is my favorite time of day. When all of these little angels are sleeping. They are so busy and active during the day, playing, learning, having fun, fighting.....It makes it so wonderful to see them like this.
In other news....
I had a fabulous time at Chinese last night. Yummy food! Good conversation....and it wasn't interupted by any kids (except for the kids across the isle, but they didn't stay very long)
I am excited to start planning a wonderful Christmas surprise for my two younger girls!
IT will be very cool. Practical, yet fun!
That means I have 2 people down and ???? to go, for Christmas presents. I better get started. I do have some fun ideas, I just need more time to get them completed. There are after all, only 78 days until Christmas......and that counts today! I need all the time I can get!!!
Tomorrow is Friday! It is Homecoming for Ferndale. I wonder if we will win or lose? I know the color guard show at halftime should be pretty good! I am excited for that.
Time to go get on with my day! Have a great Thursday!!