Saturday, October 3, 2009

41 to 7!!!

WOW! That is about all I have to say about the game tonight! It was a good game. It was Ferndale against Squalicum. Ferndale has not been doing very well lately, Squalicum has been doing awesome!! We sat on the Squalicum side, intending to cheer on Tyler Cole and the rest of the Squalicum team. We did cheer for them, but McKenzie and I very quietly (we were, after all, surrounded by alot of Squalicum people) cheered for Ferndale when they made a good play. Squalicum scored the first touchdown. Ferndale scored the next SIX touchdowns. After the game, we went to say hi to Tyler. He was not very happy. We told him he played a great game (which he did. He made some pretty good tackles) and then we quietly left. I would like to see him play again in a different game, where they could win and then he would be happy.

We had a fun time anyway. It is now way past bedtime. I think tomorrow is Sunday...but with them playing Friday Night Football on a Saturday night....I am a little thrown off. It is still time for bed. I will report more tomorrow on McKenzie and Alexandra's soccer games.

Good Night! Have a great day!

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