Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yes! It is official! I am broke and we are going! We purchased the tickets, booked the flight and hotel and we are outta here! We leave on Dec 3 in the afternoon from Bellingham! and get back on the 7th in the afternoon , in Bellingham! I am soo excited that we are flying from Bellingham. It will be so much closer. No traffic, shorter lines, not so big and busy. We have a short stop at Seattle, and then on to Disney land!!! I told the girls and they are super excited too. Even Alexandra. She has decided that she will go with us. She wasn't going when I first told them that we had enough money saved and that we are going. She was not leaving Blueberry and Scooby behind. And besides, what about the cats? Who would feed them and take care of them? I told her that Blueberry and Scooby could go with us and I would hire or bribe somebody to take care of our cats. She thought about it for awhile and said that she would go with us. Silly girl! But I totally understand. I am a homebody and am not a big fan of traveling, but I am sooooo excited to take my girls to Disneyland. I will be even more excited to come home though I think.
Now I just have to save money for food, cuz my girls can EAT!!! I think that could be my biggest expense! I will be stocking up on snacks, granola bars, trail mix and other goodies to get us through.

In other exciting news........(or maybe not so exciting..)
*Two soccer games this morning. One at 8 am (Alexandra) and one at 12:30 (McKenzie)
*Mia's 4th birthday party was today (AJ and Kenz went)
*Alyssa had to be ON FIELD at the high school this morning BY 5AM!!! We left the house at 4:40 AM!!! I am sooooo tired! So is she!
*I worked between all of those things.
*WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! (I know I already said that! I am excited!)

I am also tired! I will be going to bed now and updating more tomorrow. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Disneyland girls! What a blast! You must be sooooooooooooooo tired today. I will write this very quietly so that I don't wake you up.
    Nite, Nite honey,
    I love you,
