Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Ramblings

It is Monday again. It comes every week at the same time, and each week it takes me by surprise. It is the first day of the work week. For me it is just another work day. I am making progress with cutting back on my workload. My problem is I love something about all of my jobs and I don't know what one to cut back on or cut out. Somedays it is very easy to pick. Other days....not so easy.

kids screaming and crying, pushing, teething....easy decision....quit daycare
laughing, playing together, learning a new skill, snuggling....harder decision...want to keep doing it.

Launching Success:
crabby customers, screaming kids, difficult day...easy decision...quit
happy customers, lots of work done, doing what I enjoy...harder decision...I love getting out of the house and working for someone else.

Daycare versus Store:
If I do daycare, then I am available for my own children and I don't have to find daycare for them afterschool and on weekends.
I make more money doing daycare than I do at the Store.
I love getting out of the house and working for somebody else.

Maybe the answer is something else altogether....quit everything and find a different job...or go enjoy my HUGE box of chocolate covered almonds and not think about it anymore!

Any body up for Chinese?....on Wednesday? 6:00?....I'll pick you up!

Have a great Monday!

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