Monday, October 12, 2009

busy weekend....part 3

On Friday night we went to the Ferndale/Everett Homecoming Football game. We won!!! The score was very close. I think it was 21 to 14. They were a good team to play...pretty evenly matched I think. Those games are more exciting to win than the ones that are like 41 to 7 or something like that. Keep you on the edge of the seat. The half time show was fabulous of course. Hard to take pictures in the dark but I got a couple of decent ones. I love the flags flying around.

On Saturday, McKenzie had a birthday party to go to. Her friend, Alyssa (in her class at school) was turning 8 and they had a Spa Lulu party. They had manicures, pedicures, facials, and lots of fancy stuff. She had a great time. After the birthday party....was of course....SOCCER!!

It was pretty cold out on the field, but the sun was shinning, so it makes it much, much warmer. Right? That's what I kept telling myself.... The girls both had good games. McKenzie played first. Her game was at 2:50 and Alexandra had a game at 3:30. McKenzie game was tied 1 to 1 and Alexandra's game was tied 2 to 2. Both really good games!
The nice part is that we only have 3 more games left this season and so far.....the weather has been pretty cooperative. We shall see about this weekend though....I have heard rain, and COLD!
Saturday night was the homecoming dance that Alyssa and Richard went to. Here is my Beautiful daughter.....

Here are the two of them.....

I was the photographer for this event. I got a couple of pretty cute poses (I put some of them on Facebook) They chose not to pay for pictures at this dance, so I told them I would take them, they could pick some out and I would print them for them.

I think that about sums up our weekend!

Have a great Monday!!!

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