Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to...

Alexandra on her 9th birthday! She LOVED the cookbook and baking supplies that Grandama got for her. She uses them all the time!

Alexandra is 10 years old today. The last year (actually 10!) have flown by! Alexandra is growning into a fun, energetic, beautiful (inside & out!), intelligent, friendly, helpful, .......young lady. I am so proud of her.
Some things about Alexandra......
*She loves sports! She is very active. She just learned to ride a unicycle this summer. It took her two days! She can also rollerblade, rollerskate, skateboard, pogo stick, wave board, use stilts, ride a bike, ice skate, plays soccer, does ballet, runs really fast :)
*She is persistant. She will work at a problem until she figures it out.
*She likes challenging puzzles, like brain teasers. She is good at them. I gave her a book, MInd Benders, and she is working her way through it. I get to help her sometimes...she lets me read the problems and pretend that I am helping :)
*She is thoughtful and helpful. She thinks of other people and how to help them. At Sunday School they were making bags for the kids at the Agape House. The kids were supposed to bring things in for the bags. (toothpaste/brush, socks, toys, etc.) She decided to have a lemonade stand and raise money to buy the stuff for the bags. She raised $25 to donate.
*She has a job. She has delivered the Ferndale Record Journal on Wednesdays for the last 2 years! She earns about $70 a month. This summer she chose to sponser a child. She chose Mark from Ghana. She uses $30 of her money each month to send to him. She also gets a pen pal!
*She is a stinker! She loves to tease :)
*She is my favorite Alexandra Joy McBeath in the whole world!!! And I love her lots!

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