Friday, October 9, 2009


Tonight is Friday Night Football! It is Ferndale's Homecoming game. I still don't remember who they are playing. The girls and I will be going after Alexandra is finished with soccer practice. Alyssa will be playing halftime with the band/guard.

In other random news...these are some pictures from this spring when Alyssa was playing softball. She played on the Ferndale Alliance Church Softball team (Richard's church).

I love this picture! I think Alyssa is trying to catch the ball before Dawn (Richard's mom) gets to base. I love the action in this picture with the ball just floating. :)

An action shot of Alyssa running. You can't see her face, but I like this picture anyway.

That's all for this morning! I am off to my very busy day! Have a Fabulous Friday!!

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