Friday, October 2, 2009

Alexandra says...

"by the way, did you think about what snickerdoodles means? "snicker" means laughing and "doodle" means fool. So really, my favorite cookie is a laughing fool!"

This girl cracks me up! Each week at school they have to write in their journal and bring it home for the parents to read. They are supposed to write about their week at school or other things that they are thinking about. A couple of weeks ago, in their homework, they read about the poem Yankee Doodle and what it meant. It said that Yankee was an American and Doodle was a fool. She remembered that...two weeks later...and applied it to her favorite cookie! I will never look at a snickerdoodle in the same way again. She is a crazy girl! And I love her to pieces!!!

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