Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Still.....raining and pouring....pouring and raining.....How long can it rain?

I probably shouldn't ask, God might decide to show me just how long he can let it rain. At least I know he won't flood the WHOLE earth. The weather man said that tomorrow we will have possible sunny breaks. We shall see.

Yesterday Alyssa went over to Richard's house for football and pumpkin carving. Football carving was...FUN!!! Alyssa did three pumpkins. We are going to try to carve a couple this week. I am not sure what day we will fit it in, but we will try. I love pumpkin carving pictures! Actually, I think I like most pictures of most anything!

I like this one. I feel like this most mornings. :) Have a great Monday and try to stay dry!

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