Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October!

I can't believe it is October! September just flew by in a haze of glorious, beautiful weather (except for the last couple days!) School has gotten off to a great start.
Alyssa should be getting her 6 week grades in a couple of weeks. She has been keeping up on her work and doing a great job.
Alexandra is loving 4th grade. She loves her teacher, Mrs. VanVleck. She is super excited about Aiming High. This year it is architecture and they get to go on walking field trips around Ferndale and check out the different ways the buildings are built.
McKenzie is also doing much better in her class. She is just a little teary eyed in the morning, but it doesn't last long. She loves her teacher and is very excited about the stuff they are learning, she just doesn't want me to go.
Have a great Thursday, October 1st!

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