Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday to do list

These pictures are from the Puyallup Fair.

Happy Thursday! We are almost to the weekend.

Today is busy...This is my to do list:

1. Get kids dressed and fed breakfast.

2. Make sure everybody (all 7!) is ready to leave for school on time.

3. Drop Alexandra, McKenzie and Xander off at the right classrooms. :)

4. Before we drop kids off at school, go to the Skyline Library and take 3 Reading Counts tests.

5. Go to the Ferndale Library for storytime. Return old books, check out new books.

6. Come home and fix lunch. Get ready to take Logan to school.

7. Take Logan to school!

8. NAPTIME!!!!! (unfortunately, it is for Celisse, not me!)

9. While Celisse is napping, I get to pay bills, wash dishes, work on my Thank You card, start the presort through the girls clothes.....

10. Pick up kids from Skyline.

11. Go home and finish up some homework. Have a predinner.

12. Go to McKenzie's soccer practice and walk the track with Lesley from 6-6:45

13. GO home and have dinner part 2!

14. Showers, stories, and get ready for bed.

That about sums up my day! I am looking forward to tomorrow when I just have to go to work!

Have a happy Thursday!

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