Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Thursday list...almost done!

Yeah! I got my list almost done!
*All the kids were fed and dressed.
*All the kids went to school and took their Reading Counts tests.
*The rest of the kids went to the library for storytime and checked out new books.
*The bills got paid (except for one....but I need a paycheck first...i hope that will be today!)
*The dishes got washed
*Naptime got done (still not by me)
*Soccer practice, homework, and a walk with Lesley got done.
*Dinner got eaten and cleaned up after
*I even got a couple of extra things done.
I did not get my thank you card made, or the girls clothes presorted, but tomorrow is another day!
On Friday, Alyssa is leaving for Yakima in the morning and McKenzie and I have a dentist appt. Then she goes to school and I go to work.

In other news...
Alexandra showed me her name poem that she wrote for school:
A lways is eating
L oves to play soccer
E very day she does something different
eX tra fun ideas
A nd doesn't like her chores
N eapolitan ice cream is her favorite
D oes not like waiting for something too much
R eally likes to read
A wesome!!!!!

I thought that it was pretty good! It does describe her. Especially the A's :)

It is time to get ready for Friday!

Have a great day!! (Stay dry!)

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