Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What do you get when you give your 7 yr old your camera?


McKenzie took a couple of really beautiful cloud/sunset pictures.

And feet pictures. Lots of feet pictures. Standing still feet, walking feet, my feet, her feet, her feet and my feet.....lots and lots of feet!

Leaf pictures

And of course, being so close to the Bellingham Airport, lots and lots of airplane pictures! She loved the jets with the trail behind them.

Last night at Alexandra's soccer practice, McKenzie took my camera, with the almost dead batteries, and took about 30 pictures. These are just a small sampling. As is got darker out and the batteries got deader (is that a word?) it was harder to focus and get good pictures. By the time soccer was over, the batteries were dead and the fog was thick and it was dark. But she had fun!

How cute is this?

This means it is time for Marcus to get his hair cut. His bangs are in his eyes and his hair is getting shaggy. He is totally cute though!

In other random picture news...

Alexandra turned 10! I made 10 cupcakes in the shape of the number 10!

Alexandra during her game. It was sprinkling at the beginning of the game, but by the end......pouring!!!

Can you see the oragne hat? It is not trick photography....his hat really glowed, it was sooooo bright! It was a neon orange cowboy hat. WHY??? Maybe so he could say, "I am in the orange hat over on field #2." He would be very easy to spot!

McKenzie played a good game....it POURED during her whole game. I just brought my little camera this game because of all of the rain, so I didn't get many pictures, and even less good pictures, but I think the other thousand pictures I have taken should be ok. :)

Have a great Tuesday!

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