Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tonight we managed to squeak in our monthly girls night!  We try to do it once a month, and February almost got missed!

 Tonight we met at mom's for dinner and chatting.  I worked a bit on my knitting. Thanks mom for untangling that awful mess of yarn! :)

 Lesley was missing, but Katherine and I were there with mom. We are so cute! :)

 Katherine decided to see if she could still climb the doorpost.  She was successful!

Look mom!  No hands!! 
 Right after this picture was taken, she slipped down a little, but she caught herself before she slipped too far! :)
This was a great end to a crazy day.  I love our nights out each month.  Sometimes we go out to dinner (Next month!), but usually we meet at mom's for dinner and catching up.  Every month we take a group picture.  One of these months, I will get them all together and we will put them in a scrapbook.  I have the first few months printed out, but I have them in a safe place. Once I find them again, then we can start on the scrapbooks! :)
Sometimes we do a little gift exchange and sometimes we don't...but we ALWAYS have a ton of fun!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday tidbits

*February is almost over!  The month is already short, but it seems to have flown by.

*Today, work was long.  Regular work day, it just seemed long.  I did get a lot done though.

*Alex had a home volleyball game today.  They won all three games!!  Yipee!  This is the first match they have won this season.  I hope they will continue on this winning streak! :)

*There is no soccer today!  It is a very rare night that neither one of the girls has soccer.  Practice or game.  

*I read Alex's soccer schedule wrong for this week and she does have practice tomorrow night.  

*I have girl's night tomorrow night!  So Jay gets to do soccer practice! :)  (I planned that well!)

*McKenzie is selling Butterbraids, Cookie Dough, and Pastry Puffins for a fundraiser to raise money for her field trip for school.  She has sold enough already for her to go.  The extra money she raises will help for chaperones and scholarships.

*McKenzie has got me hooked on a game called Candy Crush Saga.  It is on my phone and I am stuck at level 29!  I can. not. pass it!!  You only get a life every 30 min, so when you run out of lives, you have to wait for 30 before you can play me crazy!  :)

*I have the cutest grandkids.  Ever!  :)

 This is Ryan after he finally went to sleep.  After I took the picture, I rearranged him a little so he would be a bit more comfortable.  He just looks so uncomfortable! :)

This is Aiden with his fire truck pillow, pooh bear pillow and pooh bear blanket, two favorite toys, and back up pooh bear!  

These pictures were from a couple of weeks ago, but they are still cute! :)

*I am working on my resume.  I am looking for a new job.  I don't really know what I want to do when I grow up. :)  I don't think I want to do retail anymore.  I am not really qualified for much, but I am willing to train for almost anything.  The hardest part of the resume, is remembering all the dates and places I worked. And there aren't even very many jobs I have worked!  Each time I redo my resume I promise myself that I will keep it updated so that the next time it is very easy to print out....not working very well!  

*Time for bed!!  Good night!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy 10 Months until Christmas!!

I can't believe that I forgot!  We only have 10 months until Christmas!  Thanks mom for the reminder call!  I need to get with it and start making my list!  Who to make for, who to buy for, who to get coal for! :)

In other news, Alyssa invited us over tonight for some cake for Aiden's birthday.  The picture is dark (sorry) but I didn't have my flash on my phone turned on and he didn't wait for a second picture!  He is very busy! :)
 I was snuggling Elizabeth and this super munchkin ran over to snuggle too!  We had to snap a very quick picture before he was off and running!  He spent forever tonight twirling around and around on a blanket saying na na na na na na na.  around and around and around and.....

 Then they got a piggy back from Alexandra.  At the same time!  Go Alex!!
                                             Some mommy and Elizabeth snuggles.

Alex had a volleyball game after school at Mt Baker.  I was working so I didn't get to see it.  They almost won their second game, but they didn't win any of the three games.  She had a soccer game after that and they won! 1-0! I saw the last 11 min of that game because I didn't get off work in time to see the rest of it.  Then we went over to have cake with Aiden and home to do some homework.  Now it is off to bed so we can start over tomorrow!
Good night!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Aiden!

Happy Birthday to the coolest, craziest, bestest three year old Aiden I know! :)
I know the picture is a little blury, but I didn't have my camera, so I used my phone.

 Teresa passed along a couple of robes that Jake wasn't using.  I think he likes it!  :)

 The birthday boy and his mommy!  They are both such crazy kids! :)

This is normalest picture that I got of the two of them!  

Happy Birthday Aiden!  I love you!

We stayed home from church today.  Yesterday was so long, that we needed a day to just rest and get ready for our week.  I cleaned up all the bags for consignment and goodwill that were waiting by the front door.  They are in my car ready to be dropped off on Tuesday. (They were all closed today when we got there).  I am half way done sorting out the cubbies.  Lots of progress today and I feel good to get that checked off my list of thins to do!

We went to the Sportsplex today so that McKenzie could meet her new team.  They played for about an hour.  It was supposed to be from 3-4, but since there wasn't anybody waiting for the field after us, they stayed for an extra 15 min.  Then the coaches treated them to a pizza party! She really had fun!  It is a great group of girls and I think she is going to have fun and learn lots. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Super Long Saturday!

This morning started at 8:00 when we left the house (it actually started at 7 when we woke up, but we will skip all that!)  to pick up Mariana and go to McKenzie's WDL morning game.  They won and she got a goal!!  They played a U13 rec team and they are a mostly 11 year old select team.  They played really well.  Lots of passing.  The second half because they were up something like 6-2, their coach said they had to pass or score with their left foot or their left thigh after they made 3 passes (or something crazy like that!)  They still won 10-6.  Great job girls!!

After McKenzie's game, she went home with Emily to hang out and Alex and Mariana and I drove down to Kitsap for their Ranger game.  This is Ellie, Alex, and Mariana at the front of the ferry in the blowing wind. Fun ferry ride!

They girls totally outplayed the other team.  Our goalies were slightly bored, because the ball mostly stayed down at the other end.  The only problem they seemed to have was they could not get the ball in the net!  Alex plays defense and very rarely has a chance to score.  She had a play today where she took the ball from her defense position, all the way down to the goal and took a shot!  .....and it hit the bottom corner post and didn't go in! :(
Mariana also had a couple of great shots that just missed and so did a couple of other girls.

With 20 seconds left in the game.....the other team scored.  :(  We lost.  1-0  :(  Very sad team. Very sad parents and very sad coach. Very long drive home.

I will have pictures tomorrow.  My camera is loading them all onto my computer and I still need to go through them.  I took over 600 photos today between both games and the ferry ride.  I have already deleted 1/2 of them because they were blurry or not very good.  Now I need to go through the rest and pick some of the better ones to share on the team site.  I will also share a couple on here! :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday! :)

                                  Happy Easter!  :)  I know it is not really Easter.  Yet.

This is from Easter 2012.  These three girls had the best egg hunt!  Mike, Mom and I hid the eggs. We had some really good hiding spots.  I even think there are even a couple of eggs still hiding! :)

McKenzie had an indoor game tonight.  I went over after work and got there just as the game started.  They played the Rapids.  It was a really good game!  They were pretty evenly matched.  I love games were they are well matched.  The Rapids ended up winning 3-2. They scored a goal (that didn't go in the net, but the ref called it anyway! :( ) in the last 2 min of the game!  We couldn't get another goal after that.  It was so close!

Tomorrow we get to go to McKenzie's indoor game with her WDL team.  As soon as that is over, we get to drive down to Kitsap for Alexandra's first outdoor game this season. We are taking the ferry across, so I want to leave a little early.  The game is at 2:30, so it will be a long day!

I need to go pack snacks, water, and knitting (for the ferry).  And my camera! :)  Have a great night! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Math Olympiad

Look how excited these girls are to do math!  Tonight was district Math Olympiad.  There were tons of kids that stayed after school to take math tests.  There were individual tests (30 questions) and five team tests (probability, algebra, geometry, mental math, and potpourri).

 All of the kids were competing for these colorful ribbons!  There were team and individual ribbons.

                                               This group got second place!  :)

Isn't she just so cute!  She didn't place individual, but her team got 2nd!

 Alexandra had a volleyball game while McKenzie was doing math.  I was able to sneak across the parking lot and watch a bit of her game.  The picture is a little blurry, but this is Alexandra serving the ball!  She is a pretty good server!

Her position is a setter (and again blurry picture) but here she is setting the ball!  Yeah Alex!!

That was my night!  I am very proud of my girls! They give their best effort in all that they do.   :) 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Papa comes to visit

Ryan loves his little sister!  
He is such a snuggly little guy and she is the perfect size to snuggle!  She didn't mind too much here, but after a couple minutes, she did put up a little fuss! :)

 I was taking pictures with my big camera and Ryan really wanted to take pictures too.  Alyssa gave him their camera to use.  I think he needs a little practice with how to use a camera!

 Ryan holding baby Elizabeth.

 The more little kids, the harder it is to get a good picture!  Aiden came over and sat next to Papa and then Ryan came over and sat behind them.  I scooted Ryan closer and before I could get a picture of Papa and his THREE Great Grandkids, Aiden laid down.  So Ryan laid down.  Then I couldn't get them to sit up at the same time.  Crazy kids! :)

 Then Aiden wanted a turn to hold his sister.  He is such a good brother!  He kept making sure we were being gentle to his sister and not hurting her.

 Nana made Elizabeth a blanket.  Aiden wanted to have a picnic with it.  I set it out on the floor and asked if I could put Elizabeth on it and take a picure first.  He said that I could. :)  After I put Elizabeth on the blanket, he laid right down next to her.  Then Ryan snuggled right up next to them!  He wasn't going to be left out!

 This is the best picture we could get of me and my three grandchildren! :)  They were a busy wiggly bunch!

 I love this one of Ryan!  He is such a stinker!  He was hiding behind the fish tank, which he knows he is not supposed to be behind.  He was peeking out to see if his mommy could see him!

                                   Lesley and Derek came over to meet Elizabeth too.

 Richard and his little princess! I was talking to Alyssa and realized that I didn't have any pictures of Richard and Elizabeth!!!  I fixed that right away!  When we went to visit in the hospital, he was holding the boys in the pictures.  When we saw them at home, he was cleaning the fish tank with the boys.  I know she is only a couple days old, but I got some pictures of them tonight!!

We were getting ready to go and I was snuggling Elizabeth.  Ryan came over with his binky and his Teddy and wanted to snuggle too.  How could I resist these two cuties!  I couldn't!  We snuggled for about 15 min! :)  There is nothing better than snuggling babies! :) and cute toddlers! :)

It was a fun visit and I got to snuggle babies! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Krispy Kreme and Volleyball

Today Alex and I went to Bellevue for her ortho appt. She thought they were going to add a couple of brackets on her bottom teeth that have come in.  She was prepared for the pain.  She took Tylenol before she went in.  They changed her bands.  That's it. Changed bands.  Long drive, missed school, and they changed her bands.  Sooo....since we drove all that way...

We thought we would visit Krispy Kreme!  We love their donuts!  They are melt in your mouth good!  We also got a few to share.  They are not all for us! :)  The ones with black on the top are a limited edition OREO donut!  Very yummy!  They had samples of that one that we tried! :)

We drove back home and went to Alex's first volleyball game. She did really good!  I think she was the best server there! :)  She did get the ball over the net the most times except for Logan.  They did end up losing their games, but the one that Alex played in, they only lost by 2 points!  It was very close.  They play again at home on Thursday.  I will miss it because I will be at McKenzie's Math Olympiad competition.  I don't like missing the home games.  They are the ones that are close so I don't have to drive very far! :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy President's Day!

The girls stayed home from school today.  I thought I would let them have a day off and just relax and clean the house and work on some homework.  That and the school's were closed for the holiday! :)  They did do the chores that I asked them to do and they also did their homework, so I was very happy about that!

I went to work early today since I didn't have to take anybody to school. :)  It is a good thing I got there early, by the time I sorted through the boxes and papers from last week, UPS backed up to deliver 30! more boxes!!  I was super busy today!  I left work at 4:30 to go watch Alex's soccer game, and then the girls and I went back and worked until 8:30.  Very long day, but I got a ton done.

Alex came home from school last week and said she got a few awards from the awards assembly they had.  What?!  She got 4 awards!  One for Honor Roll, one for Cross Country, one for Citizenship, and one for the Solo/Ensemble.  I was very proud of her!  ...and a little upset she didn't tell me ahead of time.  She did tell me that parents aren't supposed to go, it is not like elementary school. Whatever!!  :)  I guess she is growing up!

McKenzie wanted to bring some pictures to school tomorrow of Elizabeth, so she used my computer to pick out the ones she wanted.  We uploaded them and had them print at Walgreens so we could pick them up after we left work.  I ordered double prints. Twice. I am not sure how I did that. We picked up the pictures and he said they were not paid for.  I showed him the receipt they emailed me saying they were paid for.  Including shipping to be delivered to my house...also double prints!  So we will have 4 copies of each picture McKenzie picked out.  I am just glad that she only  picked out 7 pictures!!  I am sure it was operator error, but I don't know that I will be doing that again!!

Have a great night!  Off to Bellevue tomorrow!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Another nice day to walk to church!  This is the second Sunday that we walked to church.  Although, when church was over, we did not go bowling!  We walked back home, up the big hill.

 This is not the best picture, but I like that it is sunny out and all three of us are in it and looking at the camera at the same time!

This is a big job that I have been putting off for a while.  Sorting throught the DVD's that we own. I pulled all of them out of the entertainment center and sorted all of them.  All the Tv Shows, Disney movies, other movies, my movies...I typed them all on the computer so I know what we have and don't have.  Like the movie Pinocchio.  I have it twice!  Cinderella?  Nope. But I do have Cinderella 2 and 3!  We went through and got rid of some we no longer like or watch. Found some fun ones that we haven't seen for a while.  After all the sorting was done and put away, we even sat down to watch one!

I also went for a walk today with mom. Last week was crazy with work, Valentine's Day (mom worked at Rebecca's flower shoppe all week) and Miss Elizabeth making her appearance.  We only got two walks in together. This week will be a little crazy, Tuesday we have to drive to the orthodontist for Alexandra and then she has her first volleyball game.  I think we have girls night on Tuesday too!!  I will have to check with Katherine!  I forgot what we said...  :)

I better call it a night and get ready for work tomorrow!  The girls have the day off from school for President's Day so they will be cleaning all day!  Right....Maybe some of the day...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Such a cute family!

Aiden loves his little Elizabeth!

                                            Ryan is not so sure of his little sister yet...

 He was ok when I was holding her.  He pointed out her eyes and nose.  And then he was done with her.  Time to give her back...

                                            Proud Auntie Zandra with baby Elizabeth.

 The more people you have in a family, the harder it is to take a picture with everybody smiling and paying attention to the camera at the same time!

I love this one with Aiden giving her a kiss. :)

McKenzie got to meet Elizabeth tonight!

Like mother like daughter! :)  Don't they just look so cute?!  

Ryan and Grandma! :)  

Elizabeth is just the same size as Teddy :)

Aiden loves his little sister

Ryan and Aiden are sharing their toys with their little sister.  She is not really enthused just yet...