Monday, February 11, 2013


I would never be able to work in a bubble wrap factory!  I would get fired right away!

I work at such a cool store and have such a cool job, that I get first dibs on all the best bubble wrap that comes in! :)  I love working in receiving!  I don't like the packing peanuts though...

 The other night, I brought a bunch of bubble wrap home when I had the boys. Aiden calls it Fireworks because that is the sound they make when you pop them!

We lay it out all over the livingroom and jump, jump, jump!  POP POP POP POP .... my house sounds like FIREWORKS!!

 Then we have to pick them up to make sure we have them all popped!  Don't want to miss any!

 How many can you pop at a time?  It works better if you shake a box of Tic Tac's.

 Such concentration Aiden has.  Trying to get every last bubble popped!

                               What do you mean they are all popped?  I wasn't finished!
                                      (this is Ryan's stink face!  He is really good at it!)

 Aiden is making sure he even gets all the ones along the edge!  Not a bubble goes unpopped!!

 I am not sure what Ryan is doing here, but I love his look of concentration.  Trying to figure it out.

When all the bubbles were popped and thrown in the garbage, Ryan found Alex's ipod.  He unplugged it and took it too the couch where he tried to play games on it and "talk talk" on it. He calls ipods and phones "talk talk".  Usually the first thing he does when he comes over is go down the hallway to the phone and grab it and start to "talk talk".

 bubble wrap "fireworks" because

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