Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy President's Day!

The girls stayed home from school today.  I thought I would let them have a day off and just relax and clean the house and work on some homework.  That and the school's were closed for the holiday! :)  They did do the chores that I asked them to do and they also did their homework, so I was very happy about that!

I went to work early today since I didn't have to take anybody to school. :)  It is a good thing I got there early, by the time I sorted through the boxes and papers from last week, UPS backed up to deliver 30! more boxes!!  I was super busy today!  I left work at 4:30 to go watch Alex's soccer game, and then the girls and I went back and worked until 8:30.  Very long day, but I got a ton done.

Alex came home from school last week and said she got a few awards from the awards assembly they had.  What?!  She got 4 awards!  One for Honor Roll, one for Cross Country, one for Citizenship, and one for the Solo/Ensemble.  I was very proud of her!  ...and a little upset she didn't tell me ahead of time.  She did tell me that parents aren't supposed to go, it is not like elementary school. Whatever!!  :)  I guess she is growing up!

McKenzie wanted to bring some pictures to school tomorrow of Elizabeth, so she used my computer to pick out the ones she wanted.  We uploaded them and had them print at Walgreens so we could pick them up after we left work.  I ordered double prints. Twice. I am not sure how I did that. We picked up the pictures and he said they were not paid for.  I showed him the receipt they emailed me saying they were paid for.  Including shipping to be delivered to my house...also double prints!  So we will have 4 copies of each picture McKenzie picked out.  I am just glad that she only  picked out 7 pictures!!  I am sure it was operator error, but I don't know that I will be doing that again!!

Have a great night!  Off to Bellevue tomorrow!

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