Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday! :)

                                  Happy Easter!  :)  I know it is not really Easter.  Yet.

This is from Easter 2012.  These three girls had the best egg hunt!  Mike, Mom and I hid the eggs. We had some really good hiding spots.  I even think there are even a couple of eggs still hiding! :)

McKenzie had an indoor game tonight.  I went over after work and got there just as the game started.  They played the Rapids.  It was a really good game!  They were pretty evenly matched.  I love games were they are well matched.  The Rapids ended up winning 3-2. They scored a goal (that didn't go in the net, but the ref called it anyway! :( ) in the last 2 min of the game!  We couldn't get another goal after that.  It was so close!

Tomorrow we get to go to McKenzie's indoor game with her WDL team.  As soon as that is over, we get to drive down to Kitsap for Alexandra's first outdoor game this season. We are taking the ferry across, so I want to leave a little early.  The game is at 2:30, so it will be a long day!

I need to go pack snacks, water, and knitting (for the ferry).  And my camera! :)  Have a great night! :)

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