Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday is a day of rest...

We DID sleep in!  We had a late night last night shopping, so it was nice to sleep in a bit.  We woke up around 8:30 and had a relaxing morning.  The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning out, so we decided to walk to church!  :)  It was great!  It took us about 30 min.  After church, since we were downtown anyway, we walked over to the bowling alley for lunch and some bowling.  

This is at the bowling alley.  I think I will use it for my February family picture.  I am taking one of the three of us each month to put in the back of my scrapbook.  I need to go through the pictures soon!!! and print them out before I get too far behind.

 Miss McKenzie hanging out waiting for her ball to come back.  She bowled great.  She got a strike in the first game without using the bumpers!  She even won the first game.  Alex and I tied the first game.
Alex also got a strike without using the bumpers.  It was the next turn after McKenzie got her strike.  In the second game (which I won!) I also got a stirke...using the bumpers!  :)  I need all the help I can get!  Our lane started not working towards the end of the second game.  It would pick up the pins, but miss and knock them all down so you would get a spare...or it would knock them all down but not count them and skip your turn...the guy tried to fix it, but we just gave up and finished the game.  We were just there to have some fun (which we did!) and not really count our scores.  Although my competitive girls were sure keeping track!!

After bowling, mom came to the bowling alley and drove us home (thanks mom!!) so that we could go for our walk.  It was a little bit cooler, but still nice weather for walking.  We walked a new neighborhood today and we walked for an hour instead of just our 45 min!  Yeah us! :)

After our walk, I came home and the girls played outside for about 45 min.  It has been such a long time since we have had nice weather that wasn't too rainy or freezing, or just yucky out.  Debbie came over and we closed her Stampin' Up! order (she is getting some very fun goodies!!) and then we all watched a movie.  We had to start it pretty early because it was a long one!  We watched The Sound of Music!  I love that movie!  It is also one of Alexandra's favorite movies, so McKenzie doesn't really like it!  :)  Although she did watch it anyway!  

So you can see that we did get some rest in today....tomorrow is another story!

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