Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tonight we managed to squeak in our monthly girls night!  We try to do it once a month, and February almost got missed!

 Tonight we met at mom's for dinner and chatting.  I worked a bit on my knitting. Thanks mom for untangling that awful mess of yarn! :)

 Lesley was missing, but Katherine and I were there with mom. We are so cute! :)

 Katherine decided to see if she could still climb the doorpost.  She was successful!

Look mom!  No hands!! 
 Right after this picture was taken, she slipped down a little, but she caught herself before she slipped too far! :)
This was a great end to a crazy day.  I love our nights out each month.  Sometimes we go out to dinner (Next month!), but usually we meet at mom's for dinner and catching up.  Every month we take a group picture.  One of these months, I will get them all together and we will put them in a scrapbook.  I have the first few months printed out, but I have them in a safe place. Once I find them again, then we can start on the scrapbooks! :)
Sometimes we do a little gift exchange and sometimes we don't...but we ALWAYS have a ton of fun!

1 comment:

  1. How do you comment on this thing? If this gets through I'll be sooooooooooooo happy!
