Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Papa comes to visit

Ryan loves his little sister!  
He is such a snuggly little guy and she is the perfect size to snuggle!  She didn't mind too much here, but after a couple minutes, she did put up a little fuss! :)

 I was taking pictures with my big camera and Ryan really wanted to take pictures too.  Alyssa gave him their camera to use.  I think he needs a little practice with how to use a camera!

 Ryan holding baby Elizabeth.

 The more little kids, the harder it is to get a good picture!  Aiden came over and sat next to Papa and then Ryan came over and sat behind them.  I scooted Ryan closer and before I could get a picture of Papa and his THREE Great Grandkids, Aiden laid down.  So Ryan laid down.  Then I couldn't get them to sit up at the same time.  Crazy kids! :)

 Then Aiden wanted a turn to hold his sister.  He is such a good brother!  He kept making sure we were being gentle to his sister and not hurting her.

 Nana made Elizabeth a blanket.  Aiden wanted to have a picnic with it.  I set it out on the floor and asked if I could put Elizabeth on it and take a picure first.  He said that I could. :)  After I put Elizabeth on the blanket, he laid right down next to her.  Then Ryan snuggled right up next to them!  He wasn't going to be left out!

 This is the best picture we could get of me and my three grandchildren! :)  They were a busy wiggly bunch!

 I love this one of Ryan!  He is such a stinker!  He was hiding behind the fish tank, which he knows he is not supposed to be behind.  He was peeking out to see if his mommy could see him!

                                   Lesley and Derek came over to meet Elizabeth too.

 Richard and his little princess! I was talking to Alyssa and realized that I didn't have any pictures of Richard and Elizabeth!!!  I fixed that right away!  When we went to visit in the hospital, he was holding the boys in the pictures.  When we saw them at home, he was cleaning the fish tank with the boys.  I know she is only a couple days old, but I got some pictures of them tonight!!

We were getting ready to go and I was snuggling Elizabeth.  Ryan came over with his binky and his Teddy and wanted to snuggle too.  How could I resist these two cuties!  I couldn't!  We snuggled for about 15 min! :)  There is nothing better than snuggling babies! :) and cute toddlers! :)

It was a fun visit and I got to snuggle babies! :)

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