Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday, Monday, Monday...

This is what my Monday looked like.  This is before Fedex came.  And before the pallet of Trend was delivered. And before the pallet of Carson was delivered.
I did get about half of it done today. Tomorrow I will have to start with the shipping part of my job and wait on the inventory part.

Alex had a soccer game tonight.  One of the best games I have seen! They played the Blue Ranger team.  AMAZING game!!  They are very evenly matched and played super well.  Both teams played good.  It ended in a tie, 6-6.  It stayed  pretty even all game.  Both teams had some great shots and great defense plays.  I was working on my sweater so I didn't take any pictures.  (Crazy, I know!)  Sometimes I just like to watch the game! :)

Tomorrow starts outdoor practice...

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