Thursday, February 21, 2013

Math Olympiad

Look how excited these girls are to do math!  Tonight was district Math Olympiad.  There were tons of kids that stayed after school to take math tests.  There were individual tests (30 questions) and five team tests (probability, algebra, geometry, mental math, and potpourri).

 All of the kids were competing for these colorful ribbons!  There were team and individual ribbons.

                                               This group got second place!  :)

Isn't she just so cute!  She didn't place individual, but her team got 2nd!

 Alexandra had a volleyball game while McKenzie was doing math.  I was able to sneak across the parking lot and watch a bit of her game.  The picture is a little blurry, but this is Alexandra serving the ball!  She is a pretty good server!

Her position is a setter (and again blurry picture) but here she is setting the ball!  Yeah Alex!!

That was my night!  I am very proud of my girls! They give their best effort in all that they do.   :) 

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