Saturday, February 23, 2013

Super Long Saturday!

This morning started at 8:00 when we left the house (it actually started at 7 when we woke up, but we will skip all that!)  to pick up Mariana and go to McKenzie's WDL morning game.  They won and she got a goal!!  They played a U13 rec team and they are a mostly 11 year old select team.  They played really well.  Lots of passing.  The second half because they were up something like 6-2, their coach said they had to pass or score with their left foot or their left thigh after they made 3 passes (or something crazy like that!)  They still won 10-6.  Great job girls!!

After McKenzie's game, she went home with Emily to hang out and Alex and Mariana and I drove down to Kitsap for their Ranger game.  This is Ellie, Alex, and Mariana at the front of the ferry in the blowing wind. Fun ferry ride!

They girls totally outplayed the other team.  Our goalies were slightly bored, because the ball mostly stayed down at the other end.  The only problem they seemed to have was they could not get the ball in the net!  Alex plays defense and very rarely has a chance to score.  She had a play today where she took the ball from her defense position, all the way down to the goal and took a shot!  .....and it hit the bottom corner post and didn't go in! :(
Mariana also had a couple of great shots that just missed and so did a couple of other girls.

With 20 seconds left in the game.....the other team scored.  :(  We lost.  1-0  :(  Very sad team. Very sad parents and very sad coach. Very long drive home.

I will have pictures tomorrow.  My camera is loading them all onto my computer and I still need to go through them.  I took over 600 photos today between both games and the ferry ride.  I have already deleted 1/2 of them because they were blurry or not very good.  Now I need to go through the rest and pick some of the better ones to share on the team site.  I will also share a couple on here! :)

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