Saturday, February 2, 2013


This is Molly. She is our box kitty.  This cat loves new boxes.  Everytime I get a box in the mail or bring a box home from work she checks it out.  Then it is her box.  Nobody better mess with it. Or her.  After a couple of weeks, I need to bring a new box home. She sleeps in the box, scratches the box, tears at the box, hides in the box, lives in the box.  Then she looks at me and I can hear her saying, "My box is messy, please bring me a new one."  I know that is what she is saying.  So we recycle the box and get a new one and she is happy.  Purring and sniffing and checking out her new box.

Today was a busy day.  I work at a conference today, McKenzie played two soccer games, and Alex had a solo/ensemble concert today.  My day was long, (thanks for helping mom!!) McKenzie won her first game and tied her second game, and Alex did well at her concert.  Alex played with three other classmates.  I saw a video of them and they did pretty good.

We are still waiting on little Miss Elizabeth.  She is taking her sweet time...maybe tonight. Or if she is as stubborn as her mother, maybe not!  :)

Good night!

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