Friday, February 1, 2013

Fun Friday February First!

                                                This post is brought to you by the letter F!  :)

Today is February First!  At Appleyarns that means it is the February Sweater Challenge!  Fun!  This is my third year participating.  I am making the February Lady Sweater this year.  It is a fun little cardigan with three buttons on top.  I picked out a beautiful green Cascade 220 superwash.  It is much prettier than what it looks like in the picture.  I cast on and am about 10 rows in.  It is a top down sweater, which I haven't done before.  That will be my challenge this year!  I am very excited!

I am working at a conference tomorrow at BTC.  We packed up, set up, and got ready for tomorrow.  I went back to the store and picked up a couple of things that we still needed and I will be leaving my house about 7am!  On a Saturday!  Another long day to end a long week.  I know what I will be doing on Super bowl Sunday after church!  Sleeping!  (probably not...but it sounds good!)

Have a great night!

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