Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Guess who took my phone?

...and used the camera?

Yep!  Mr. Aiden!!  If you are going to be sneaky and "borrow" my phone, don't leave your picture on there as evidence!  :)  
Aiden loves taking pictures!  He is always asking to borrow my little camera. Or my phone.  He knows that I have to help him when I am using my big camera.  
I am not sure where he gets that from!  :)
I think I might take a bunch of the better pictures that he has taken and have him help me make a scrapbook of them.  I still love looking at the scrapbooks that the girls made when they were younger.  They are adorable!

Alyssa went to the doctor today.  Miss Elizabeth has flipped herself upside down and is now ready to come out feet first!  They are going to the doctor in the morning for an ultrasound and to try to flip her back the right way.  They may talk about a C-section, but Alyssa is opposed to that.  We will know more tomorrow after her ultrasound.  She may not have a choice and Elizabeth may be a Valentine Baby! :)

Have a great night!

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