Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Krispy Kreme and Volleyball

Today Alex and I went to Bellevue for her ortho appt. She thought they were going to add a couple of brackets on her bottom teeth that have come in.  She was prepared for the pain.  She took Tylenol before she went in.  They changed her bands.  That's it. Changed bands.  Long drive, missed school, and they changed her bands.  Sooo....since we drove all that way...

We thought we would visit Krispy Kreme!  We love their donuts!  They are melt in your mouth good!  We also got a few to share.  They are not all for us! :)  The ones with black on the top are a limited edition OREO donut!  Very yummy!  They had samples of that one that we tried! :)

We drove back home and went to Alex's first volleyball game. She did really good!  I think she was the best server there! :)  She did get the ball over the net the most times except for Logan.  They did end up losing their games, but the one that Alex played in, they only lost by 2 points!  It was very close.  They play again at home on Thursday.  I will miss it because I will be at McKenzie's Math Olympiad competition.  I don't like missing the home games.  They are the ones that are close so I don't have to drive very far! :)

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