Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Great minds...

                                       Great minds...think alike!  Purple is the color to wear! :)

Mom and I had our walk at Civic Field tonight because that is where Alex had soccer practice.  McKenzie got to walk with us tonight because she didn't want to stay home tonight and do homework!  :)  
All three of us were wearing black and purple!  (I had a black skirt on at work, I just changed into pants to walk!)  Of course we had to take a picture! We are so cute!
It was pretty cool on our walk.  The breeze was chilly and it started raining about 30 min in to our walk.  Thankfully it wasn't a freezing rain or wind, just very chilly.

I made stew in the crock pot this morning before I left for work.  My house smelled so yummy when we got home!  I was very glad to walk in the door after getting off of work and home from soccer practice to a yummy cooked dinner, instead of starting the "what's for dinner" song.  I told the girls that we are going to do that a lot more (pre-planning dinner not "what's for dinner" song!)  It just makes the whole night go so much easier!

Alex made the volleyball team.  She had tryouts last week and yesterday. This morning they posted the results.  She made the B team.  The A team is for 8th graders and the B team is for 7th graders.  They also have a C team, which is a mix of 7th and 8th graders.  She was pretty excited!  She has never played volleyball before so this will be a fun experience for her.  Alex absolutely loves sports and being athletic.  She is good at most sports and catches on pretty quickly.

Jay asked McKenzie what sports she wanted to try in middle school. If she wanted to try anything other than soccer.  She said she didn't like softball, track, cross country, baseball, volleyball, etc.  Finally he asked, "What about wrestling?"  She thought about it and has decided that she would like to try out wrestling!  :)  That's my girl!!  We will see what she decides once it is actually here.  I may have to take her to a wrestling match, so she can see what it is all about.

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