Saturday, February 16, 2013

Such a cute family!

Aiden loves his little Elizabeth!

                                            Ryan is not so sure of his little sister yet...

 He was ok when I was holding her.  He pointed out her eyes and nose.  And then he was done with her.  Time to give her back...

                                            Proud Auntie Zandra with baby Elizabeth.

 The more people you have in a family, the harder it is to take a picture with everybody smiling and paying attention to the camera at the same time!

I love this one with Aiden giving her a kiss. :)

McKenzie got to meet Elizabeth tonight!

Like mother like daughter! :)  Don't they just look so cute?!  

Ryan and Grandma! :)  

Elizabeth is just the same size as Teddy :)

Aiden loves his little sister

Ryan and Aiden are sharing their toys with their little sister.  She is not really enthused just yet...

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