Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Time!!

Yeah!!  Alyssa and Richard are at the hospital right now as I type!  Miss Elizabeth will hopefully be here shortly! :)

They had a dr appointment this morning to check her size and position.  She was still feet first.  They were going to wait until Monday to try to turn her, but she decided to come a little earlier.  She was due a couple of days she is not early.

Alyssa called me about 6:30 tonight and said they were going to go to the hospital and just check her out.  Her back hurt and her stomach was tight, but no contractions.  She thought maybe Elizabeth was turning herself, but she wanted to be safe.  I was just leaving soccer practice with Alexandra, so I said I would meet them at the hospital and grab the boys.
She texted a little bit later and said they admitted her and are trying to turn her...that's all I know right now!  :)

Meanwhile...back at my house.....

Cassie brought over cupcakes to Alyssa and the boys, but since Alyssa went to the hospital the boys didn't get to eat their cupcakes.

So we went to get them and bring them to my house where they devoured them!!

 Aiden did very well with his.  He had some crumbs on his face but not too bad.  Ryan on the otherhand...really, really, really enjoyed his!  Every last crumb!!

YUMMMM!!!!  Very, very good cupcake!  His face and hands are still a little purple!  :)

Meanwhile...back at my house...

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