Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

Did you watch the Super Bowl today?  Do you watch it for the football, ads, or halftime show?
We did not watch the Super Bowl.  Since we don't have a TV (actually just no cable, we can watch DVD's and VHS's) we don't watch it.  Instead it was Laundry Day!  :)

This is also how I iron!  :)  On Saturday Alexandra had a solo/ensemble concert.  She had to wear nice clothes, not fancy, but nice.  She had black pants (that look like a skirt) and a white shirt.  Her shirt was very wrinkly so I told her that it needed to be ironed.  She said she was going to and she went into the bathroom, grabbed the water squirter, wet down the shirt a bit, took it to the dryer and let it dry for a couple minutes.  :)

I have taught her well!

*For the recored we do own an iron.  It works great for lots of crafyt things!

This is the progress on Alyssa & Richard's new house!  The roof is up and ready for the next step!  So exciting to see it all come together. 

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