Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Night..

Big plans for a Friday night?  My big plans for tonight were to come home from work and hang out with my girls (and boys!).  I also did the dishes!   I much excitement!!

This is one of the cards we made last night at Stampin' Up!  I case'd this card online, but I don't remember where I saw it.  So simple.

This is little Mr. Ryan.  :)  He has his Teddy and his Brobie (sp?). Aiden found back up binkie (THANK YOU Aiden!!) and Ryan was a happy camper.  He snuggled right up in the corner of his bed and went right to sleep!  The boys had a bath tonight, so they should sleep really good tonight!  Nothing like a bath, clean jammies and a few good snuggly friends.  :)  Aiden is snuggling with his pooh bear blankie, back up pooh bear, pooh bear pillow, a lantern (so he can see) two cars, and a fire truck pillow!  There is not a lot of room left for Aiden, but he managed to fit.  I will go in there after he is asleep and thin out some of his "snugglies"!

McKenzie has two soccer games tomorrow.  One at 8:50 and one at 2:40.  Nice and spread out...

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