Sunday, February 17, 2013


Another nice day to walk to church!  This is the second Sunday that we walked to church.  Although, when church was over, we did not go bowling!  We walked back home, up the big hill.

 This is not the best picture, but I like that it is sunny out and all three of us are in it and looking at the camera at the same time!

This is a big job that I have been putting off for a while.  Sorting throught the DVD's that we own. I pulled all of them out of the entertainment center and sorted all of them.  All the Tv Shows, Disney movies, other movies, my movies...I typed them all on the computer so I know what we have and don't have.  Like the movie Pinocchio.  I have it twice!  Cinderella?  Nope. But I do have Cinderella 2 and 3!  We went through and got rid of some we no longer like or watch. Found some fun ones that we haven't seen for a while.  After all the sorting was done and put away, we even sat down to watch one!

I also went for a walk today with mom. Last week was crazy with work, Valentine's Day (mom worked at Rebecca's flower shoppe all week) and Miss Elizabeth making her appearance.  We only got two walks in together. This week will be a little crazy, Tuesday we have to drive to the orthodontist for Alexandra and then she has her first volleyball game.  I think we have girls night on Tuesday too!!  I will have to check with Katherine!  I forgot what we said...  :)

I better call it a night and get ready for work tomorrow!  The girls have the day off from school for President's Day so they will be cleaning all day!  Right....Maybe some of the day...

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