Thursday, March 28, 2013

A little bit of Spring!

As I was taking Alex to school this morning, I saw little pieces of Spring in my yard!
 I have this lone daffodil, all bright and cheery, in my flower bed by my car.  I love the bright yellow.  It is so cheery, it makes me smile! :)

This is my camilla, right by my driveway.  I have noticed buds on it this week and yesterday this bloom was just barely open. When I went to my care this morning, it was opened and smiling at me!

I just snapped these photos with my phone camera, but they make me smile!  I am so excited for Spring.  I think it is my favorite season.  The weather is not too hot or cold.  Everything is blooming or being born. Starting fresh and clean and new. New beginnings.  Sometimes that is all you need, a new beginning.

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