Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saturday Soccer

However, I didn't take any pictures of soccer yesterday. :)  I did take a picture of Alyssa and Richard's new Big House.
They have their roof on (I think the whole group has their roofs on now) and they were putting on the Tyvek when I stopped by.  If you look really close in their living room, you will see there windows!  Two of them are now in the window holes where they will work better! :)  The rest of them will be put in place this week.  The doors are also being delivered this week and should be put in the doorways!

It is so exciting to see it all coming together!

Alyssa worked on the Big House yesterday, so we got to babysit.  Alex loves hanging out with Aiden and McKenzie and I fight over Ryan and Elizabeth. :)  Alex likes them better when they are older and can talk.   I like them better when they don't talk! ;)   

We had to stop by Michael's to get some crochet hooks and some more yarn.  Alex taught herself to crochet on Friday and is loving it!  She says it is soo much faster and easier than knitting.  She made herself a purse/hat (she is using it more for a purse) already. 

Now for Soccer Saturday!  

McKenzie had two soccer games Saturday. They were the last indoor games for her this season.  (Alex has her last one Monday night!)  McKenzie's WDL team won their 10:30 game 5-2 against the Ranger's U13 White team.  Her second game (1:50 with Emily's team) lost 6-1.  They played pretty good but the other team was twice their size!  Fun day of soccer!


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