Friday, March 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Yes, I know it is Friday...But I am thankful I can still post a Thankful Thursday on a Friday! :)

I am also thankful for these two little boys!  They are so much fun.  This was at the sportsplex during McKenzie's game.  They had so much fun taking pictures with my little camera.

I am thankful for this little monkey. :)  I love all of his faces that he makes.  This was a picture that Aiden took with my little camera at soccer.

I am thankful for these cousins.  This was last year at the Mariner's game.  I am thankful we got to go and have fun.

What are you thankful for? :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting! Good night awesome blogger lady! See you tomorrow at the awards.
