Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MIxed up Tuesday

Today was a little crazy schedule wise! 

 Alex was supposed to have her last Volleyball game today at 4 and then soccer practice at 5:30.  I found out this morning that they switched times with the 8th graders and they played at 5:00.  No problem!  I can rearrange my schedule last minute!  Text the soccer coach and tell her that Alex will miss practice tonight.  Mom and I decide we can walk at 4 because volleyball isn't until 5.  On our way to walk, I get a phone call from Alex (3:40) saying, actually...they changed the times again...we play at 4:00!  Are you kidding me!?!!  No walk...time for volleyball!  Off we went to volleyball, a little bit late.  They did win all three games...the first one by a lot the other two squeaked in a win.  After volleyball, Alex went to soccer with one of her soccer teammates from volleyball.  Except that when they show up, the fields were locked!  Nobody can get in to practice!  Back home they go!  

Now we are all home, inside and we are not going anywhere!!

This is Miss Elizabeth Kaye at her first volleyball game!  Grandma Kaye is holding her. :) 
In other news today...

*McKenzie lost her 15th tooth tonight and she has another loose one! (Yes, she did loose her 14th tooth a couple days ago!)  She asked me to see if it was loose enough for me to pull it out.  I felt it and pulled it right out.  She didn't even know I pulled it out! :)

*Alyssa, Aiden, Ryan, & Elizabeth joined mom and I on our walk today.  It was a little drizzly rain out, but not to terrible.  The boys had on their coats in their new stroller and Elizabeth was secure in her Moby wrap.  Mom and I took turns pushing the stroller.  I got the downhill and she got the uphill! :)  (I did push uphill too!)  It was fun!  We will definitely have to do that again!

*McKenzie has early release the rest of this week and Alex has it on Thurs/Fri for report cards.

*McKenzie brought home her report card today.  She did very good!  All of her marks went up or stayed the same.

Have a good night!

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