Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Things that make me smile :)

Because I am having one of those days...I needed to look at some pictures that make me happy.
 This was taken at Michael's after she participated in Math Olympiad.  I thought the "nerd" glasses were a fun touch to her math t-shirt. :)

 These boys (and Elizabeth) always make me smile!  I love hanging out with them.  They are so fun (&funny).  
 How can you not smile at this picture?!  He loves hands in his pockets. And I love his monkey 1face.  This was taken on his 3rd birthday.

I love this one of Alyssa and Aiden.  He may not be smiling at me, but he is smiling!  

This was from our walk to church in the sunshine!  What is not to smile about that?  Sunshine!!!  
 Especially with all this rain we have had these last couple days...

I have lots of other things that make me smile...

*taking pictures
*watching old movies
*reading a good book
*scrapbooking or making cards
*walking with my mom! :)
*my family

What makes you smile??  :)

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