Monday, March 4, 2013

A*MAZE*ing Soccer game!!

Ranger's Blue vs. Ranger's Royal
Tonight, Alex had an indoor soccer game against the Blue Ranger's team.   It was my favorite game this season!  They are pretty evenly matched and most of them are friends (off field!) so it is always an exciting game!  Tonight was no exception!  They ended up winning 3-2, but it was hard fought!!  Alex had a shot from the half way line and it was a perfect shot!  She kicked it straight and hard and it had the perfect arc that went just over the goalies head and into the net!!!  Very exciting!!  My favorite part of the game (after her amazing goal!!) was after the game was over.

Each team is supposed to line up and high five and congratulate the other team.  These girls started their lines and then just mobbed each other and started hugging and congratulating each other!!  Good job Rangers!!!

The other night McKenzie and I went to Barnes and Noble to browse a bit.  I was looking at journals and I can across this fun little quote. :)

Have a good night!  I hope we get some more of this lovely spring weather!

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