Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Spring!

Today is really the second day of spring, but I didn't blog yesterday.  Although with the weather we have been having, you wouldn't know it is spring!  It has been in the 40's for a while now and even though there was sun today, it was cold!

Yesterday, the first day of Spring, was cold, rainy, windy, and blustery.

Today was sunshiny and hailing, raining, and typical soccer weather! :)

The weather today was actually really nice and sunny.  I even had the door open at work for a little while to let the sun in.  Mom and I were meeting at soccer practice (both girls, same field, almost same time!) to walk.  I had the boys and Elizabeth with me, but we were prepared.  As soon as I got Elizabeth in the Moby wrap and the boys in the stroller, it started raining.  Then hailing.  Then cold, rainy, windy hail.  Just as we started our walk and the girls started soccer.  We did a short walk in the parking lot, but it was sooo cold, we called it early.  Unloaded the kids in the van, put the stroller away, and the sun comes out.  Figures!!  It got really nice out, but I wasn't taking any chances....we stayed in the van!
Tomorrow is another day!  We will walk after I get off of work, with no kids, and our rain/snow/sun/sleet/night gear on!!  AND our cool new app!!  Love this app!  It is called RunKeeper.  It tracks where you walk.  Your miles, and lots of cool stuff that I haven't tried yet!  We played with it on Tuesday and were going to use it tonight, but.....

So I am super excited to play with it tomorrow night!

Saturday the girls both have outdoor soccer games.  McKenzie is at 9:15 (field #7) and Alexandra is at 3:00 (Lummi-hoping they have the gates unlocked this time!!)  It will be nice to have them spaced out. A full day of soccer, but not rushed.  I am hoping we will have warm spring sunshine on Saturday.  Is that too much to ask? :)

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