Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturday Soccer & Sunday Fishing

Yesterday (Saturday) was a long day!  We drove to Seattle for Alex's soccer game.  It was a tough 1-0 loss with the goal scored by one of our team. :(  One of our girls kicked the ball, but it went in our net and our goalie didn't stop it. :(

I love these three pictures!  You can see Alex taking the ball away from the other team! :)
                                                              Go Alex!!
Our team played pretty well, we just could not get a shot in the other net!  We had a couple of close shots, but that doesn't get you any points!  The next four games are home games and I am hoping for a WIN!!!  I know the girls are hoping for a win also!!

 After the game, we drove over to the Bellevue Square Mall to have lunch at Red Robin.  It was only a couple miles away from where we played.  This is right outside the mall/Red Robin.  I love all the fountains and art pieces down there.  We love the skybridges too!

When we were in the mall, they had a lego building event.  You got a baseplate and a bucket of legos, and you got to build whatever you wanted.  Some people built bridges, skyscrapers, houses, unidentified objects :)  There was so many fun things.  After you were done building, they put your masterpiece in their "town".  So much fun!!

After the mall, we stopped at Krispy Kreme for a yummy donut.  Mmmmm.  They are melt in your mouth good! :)  As we drove there, we got stuck in a little bit of traffic.  Mostly foot traffic and most of Seattle was going to the Sounder's game that was just starting!  We were going to go, but I didn't have enough cash to park and buy tickets.  I wasn't sure if there were any left for sale at the gate.  I did see a lot of people holding signs asking for tickets.  So, we didn't end up going.  I did tell the girls that we would plan a day and purchase the tickets in advance and make a day of going down there to a game.  

We were pretty tired out by that time, so we headed back home.   Pretty much walked in the door and went to bed!

Today after church, Alyssa and Richard had a softball meeting, so we got to watch the kids for a bit.  Elizabeth and I stayed inside while the girls took the boys outside.  I grabbed my camera and started playing around with it a little bit.

                                       I love how she is almost smiling in this one!
 She has Ryan's expression in this one!  Either that, or she is telling me she is all done with the camera! She will get used to me always having the camera out and taking pictures!!

 Meanwhile...the boys went fishing!  Outside in the front yard, they found some sticks (fishing poles) and some fish (the balls) and a pond (swimming pool). They had so much fun!  They were out there fishing for about 45 min.  It was sunny, but still pretty cool out.
                                    Aiden with his fishing pole and his bucket of fish.
                     Cheesy Mr Ryan with his fishing pole!  Notice how wet his clothes are?      

After they came inside, dried off and changed clothes, it was time to take them home.  Ryan is in the back of the stroller sleeping, and Aiden got the front seat.  Alex decided to push them while she was riding her unicycle! Such talent that girl has! :)

McKenzie helped a lot pushing this heavy stroller up the hill with these two boys.  I was holding Elizabeth so I couldn't push the stroller ;). 

Mom and I went for our walk after we took the kids home. We went to  Pioneer Park.  That seems to be our Sunday walking place.  It is so nice to walk along the river.  Hardly anybody is there and it is such a cool walk.  

It was a chilly day out with a few sprinkles, but the sun was shinning most of the day and we just enjoyed it!  The weather forcast does not look very promising this week, so we took advantage of the sun while we could!  

Enjoy your week!

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