Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rain, Rain and more Rain

So much rain. It must mean spring soccer is starting! :)  Last night, I laid in bed listening to the rain beating down on my roof.  The wind blowing the trees in the backyard.  It wasn't blowing very hard, but between the wind and the rain, I was very glad I was bundled up in my house!  

It rained most of today, but it was warm out.  That makes the rain better.  I dislike cold, bitter, blowy rain.  Warm, breezy rain is so much better! :)

Tonight the girls both had soccer practice at the same field at almost the same time!  I even think they have it that way next week also!  It is not very often that works out that way, so it makes me very happy when it does.  

Alex had a volleyball game after school today.

This was the score of the first and third game.  The second game was a big loss. :(  
The first game I came in a couple minutes late and they were behind by quite a bit.  They played pretty good and caught up, then pulled ahead and squeaked out a win.  
The second game was just.....a big loss...
The third game they pretty much stayed within one or two points either way.  The other team pulled ahead by about 3 points, but we quickly caught up and then pulled ahead and won! :)
 I really like this one of Alex diving for the ball!  She did it and it went over!  Bump, set, spike!!

She is very happy to be serving the ball!

I did enjoy sitting inside the dry gym watching volleyball today, while it was raining out!  After volleyball was over, I did take Alex and two of her volleyball/soccer team mates to soccer practice. Mom and I walked outside in the rain.  It wasn't bad though.  It was a little drizzly, but warm.  It was perfect walking weather. :)

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